Q. Will Indigo work alongside other apps such as Docker or MAMP?

A. Yes, Indigo can run simultaneously with other servers on your Mac.

By default Indigo uses the standard ports for HTTP and HTTPS (80 and 443 respectively) which may conflict with other web servers running on your Mac, but these can be changed in the Indigo preferences.

Q. Will Indigo work alongside MacOS package managers such as Homebrew or MacPorts?

A. Yes, Indigo will not interfere with MacOS package managers. Indigo does install its services onto your Mac, but they are completely separate and stored in their own locations.

That said, be aware that if you are running other servers you may experience port conflicts; a port may only be used by one server at a time.

Q. Where does Indigo install its services?

All Indigo services are installed in your user directory at ~/.indigo. You can right-click a service in the rack column and select “Show Compiled in Finder” to reveal the location of that specific service.

Log files:

  • App logs are stored at ~/Library/Logs/com.marmaladesoul.Indigo
  • Helper logs are stored at /var/log/com.marmaladesoul.IndigoHelper/IndigoHelper.log

Other locations used:

  • Shared libraries are stored in /usr/local/Indigo
  • Application support files are stored at ~/Library/Application Support/com.marmaladesoul.Indigo
  • Indigo’s Privileged helper is installed at /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.marmaladesoul.IndigoHelper.